“James Valle is a divorced (now remarried) father of four boys. Nothing is more important to him than the children in a divorce. He firmly believes, despite the occasional positioning of angry spouses, they have the same interests at heart. When necessary, he uses the services of child development and family counselors to work with the parents to develop the best possible parenting plan for the children.
Jim is the founder and senior executive of the company. He is considered the pioneer of CPA led divorce mediation. Jim obtained his divorce mediation certification from the only California Superior Court approved, divorce mediation program. He has accumulated over 30 years senior executive level experience in his CPA practice, publicly traded and privately held companies. He negotiated many successful joint ventures, mergers, acquisitions, and commercial settlements in service, manufacturing, defense, aerospace, telecommunications, power generation/transmission/
Mr. Valle’s goal is to maximize the wealth for his divorcing clients by listening to the needs of his clients, assisting in creating viable financial strategies for post-divorce living and leveraging his tax strategies to achieve the goals of the parties. His compassion for children and training in mediation of child custody and visitation issues, helps him to assist the parents in the development of their parenting plan.
James Valle is a KPMG trained, California Certified Public Accountant. He holds an undergraduate degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in accounting from the University of San Diego and an MBA from the University of California in Los Angeles.”

ADDRESS: 4667 MacArthur Boulevard,
Suite 400, Newport Beach, CA 92660
PHONE: +1 949.335.6000
FACSIMILE: 949.250.3012
Contact us 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We will respond as quickly as possible.